光辉珠饰品是经国家相关部门批准注册的正规企业。 我公司专业生产塑料珠子有: 亚克力珠(实色珠、透明仿水晶)、磨砂珠、哑光珠、植绒珠、喷油珠、滴油珠、珠中珠。 玻璃仿珍珠、ABS仿珍珠(串珠,无孔珠、半孔珠、异形珠) 真空电镀珠、CCB电镀珠、UV镀....等各类塑胶珠。 光辉珠饰品专业性针对~服装~工艺品~礼品~美甲~礼品~首饰~吊饰~工厂. 也可来样开模订做新产品,我们有能力根据您的要求,为您设计,制作优质珠饰。 (注明:达到一定的数额可退还模具费。) 产品远销日本、韩国、俄罗斯、美国、中东及东南亚等国家和地区。 -信誉 顾客上 共存共赢 光辉珠饰欢迎您与我们洽谈。 本公司将提供您优质的产品,满意的服务。用质量作保证,用诚信求发展! Guanghui Pearl Ornament specialized in producing Venetian pearl, bright pearl and colorful pearl such as pearl without hole, half hole peal, full hole pearl,single hole dripping pearl, half surface pearl, half surface dripping pearl, half surface ellipse pearl and peach pearl. The products are exported to Japan, Korea, Russia, America, Middle East and Southeast Asia for the floweriness color, great variety, fine working, reality sculpt and are mainly used in ornament, clothing and craftwork. We will design and produce high quality Venetian pearl according to your demand. Guanghui Pearl Ornament welcome to negotiate.

东莞市虎门光辉饰品店 Copyright@2021 版权所有
联系人:李先生   电话:0769-85717210
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